The energy sector is undergoing a continuous transformation, and it is through foresight that we can better address the challenges posed by the transition towards cleaner and renewable energy sources.

The energy sector is crucial for economic and social development as it provides the necessary resources to drive various industries and enhance the quality of life. Coupled with the constant technological evolution and increasing regulatory demands, this necessitates specialised legal advisory services that ensure strict regulatory compliance while fostering the creation, development, and implementation of innovative projects in this field.

The Energy Law team, led by partner Mónica Cortés and supported across the board by experienced professionals both within the department and across our firm's complementary practices, offers extensive expertise in legal advisory related to the generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity, as well as in the fuel markets. Our approach to managing this growing and challenging practice is based on adopting a comprehensive strategy that includes sectoral regulatory analysis, oversight and representation in regulatory and pricing processes, management of permits and licenses, and representation before regulatory authorities. Additionally, we support our clients through every stage of these processes, facilitating the development of energy projects and contributing to sustainable and efficient development, while ensuring compliance with the sector’s complex regulatory framework.

Our work is closely connected with companies in the electricity and fuel sectors, providing support in the implementation of innovative and appropriate solutions tailored to each specific case. Our advisory services encompass prevention, strategic planning, general consultancy, and ultimately conflict resolution, including litigation before the Energy Panel of Experts and in all other administrative or jurisdictional forums.

Advancing the expansion of electricity transmission is crucial to align growth with the location of energy supply, as well as pushing for the modernisation of distribution regulation to improve supply quality, update tariff-setting models, and orderly promote distributed generation. On the other hand, redesigning short-term and long-term energy and capacity markets, incorporating incentives for energy storage, and promoting hydrogen production from renewable sources, could represent significant progress in the decarbonisation of the electricity matrix and offer substantial opportunities for the sustainable development of our country.