Constanza is part of the Complex Litigation area of FerradaNehme. She is a lawyer from the Universidad de Chile and completed a diploma on "Women and Criminal Justice" at the School of Law of the same university, as well as an exchange semester at the University of Utrecht.

Before joining FerradaNehme, she worked as a territorial lawyer at the Public Education Directorate of the Ministry of Education, as an associate lawyer in the litigation area of Carey, and also as a research attorney in the litigation area of Morales & Besa.

She has worked as an assistant professor of Civil Law and Private International Law, both at the School of Law of the Universidad de Chile.

Constanza holds a Master's in Tort Law from Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez.

Practice Areas
Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Master's in Tort Law Universidad de Chile, Diploma on "Women and Criminal Justice" Universidad de Chile, Lawyer
Public Education Directorate of the Ministry of Education Carey & Cía Abogados Morales & Besa Abogados
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