Beatriz is Director of our Competition and Economic Regulation area. Since joining FerradaNehme in 2014, she has advised clients on competition and regulation matters. She has extensive experience in competition litigation, administrative procedures, merger control operations analysis and implementation of compliance programs. In addition, she has experience advising companies in regulated and unregulated markets, as well as advising public organizations.  Beatriz has participated in different trials before the Chilean Antitrust Court and investigations of the National Economic Prosecutor’s Office.

In the academic field, Beatriz graduated from the Universidad de Chile, has a Diploma in Economic Regulation from Adolfo Ibáñez University and has an LLM in Competition Law at King’s College London. In addition, she co-authored the book “¿Por qué se aprueban tantas fusiones?” (Why are so many mergers approved?) and the article “Restricciones verticales en el derecho de la competencia” (Vertical restrictions in competition law); she taught the Competition Law course at Adolfo Ibáñez during 2017 and 2018 and has participated as teaching assistant for Economic Law and other courses related to competition law and regulation at the Universidad de Chile.

Practice Areas
King’s College London, LL.M. in Competition Law Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Diploma in Economic Regulation Universidad de Chile, Lawyer
Naranjo e Ibarrola Gilmore y Cía.
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