Marcelo is an associate of FerradaNehme, after having been paralegal in our Environment and Natural Resources area for two years.

He holds a Law and Social Sciences degree from the Universidad de Chile, where he also worked as an assistant in the Environmental Law course with professors Ximena Insunza and Patricio Leyton, in the Environmental Law Clinic with professor María Nora González and Conflict Resolution, and as an assistant in the Constitutional Law course with professor Ana María García.

As for his professional experience, Marcelo was an intern in the Litigation Division of the Executive Directorate of the Environmental Evaluation Service and an intern in the Labor Law team of the Guerrero Olivos law firm.

As part of his curricular activities, he was a student of the virtual course “Global Economic Order” offered by the University of Hong Kong, through the APRU Virtual Exchange Study Program, and a student of the winter course offered virtually by The Hague Academy of International Law, sponsored by The Hague Academy.

Practice Areas
Universidad de Chile, Lawyer
Litigation Division of the Executive Directorate of the Environmental Evaluation Service Guerrero Olivos
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