His professional experience is focused on the area of civil and commercial litigation, with special emphasis on arbitration proceedings, where he has extensive experience.

In the academic field, he completed his undergraduate studies at the School of Law of the Universidad de Chile and obtained a Master's Degree in Comparative and International Law at the University of Lausanne and more recently completed a Diploma in International Contracts and Litigation at the Universidad Austral de Buenos Aires. He has been a professor of private international law (Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez and Universidad Alberto Hurtado)and arbitration (Universidad Alberto Hurtado) for several years, and is the author of several books and publications in the area of private law.

He is a member of the list of arbitrators drawn up by the Illustrious Court of Appeals of Santiago since 2017.

Practice Areas
Universidad Austral, Diploma in Contracts and International Judicial Litigations University of Lausanne, Master in International and Comparative Law Universidad de Chile, Lawyer
Santiago Court of Appeals HMDL Harasic & López Ministry General Secretariat of the Presidency Kast, Pinochet & De la Cuadra
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