Marcela has focused her professional practice on civil, commercial and consumer litigation, as well as arbitration and mediation, integrating public and private law, and with in-depth knowledge of how courts resolve disputes. She currently is member of the Complex Litigation area of ​​FerradaNehme.

Her interest in public service led her to work in the Judiciary, being an investigating lawyer or clerk of the Ministers of the Third Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice, reporting on matters of constitutional, administrative, environmental law, competition law matters, among others.

In the academic field, she has served as a Criminal Law Assistant at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Marcela held the position of coordinator of probono matters for 3 years, promoting and encouraging the voluntary and free work of all the members of FerradaNehme, participating in different cases and projects for the direct benefit of people, institutions and the community in general.

Practice Areas
Universidad Diego Portales, Specialization in Consumer Rights Universidad Católica de Chile, Diploma in Insurance Law Universidad Diego Portales, Diploma in Civil Liability Universidad Católica de Chile, Lawyer
Supreme Court 23rd Civil Tribunal of Santiago Morales & Besa Urenda, Recoret, Orrego & Dörr Naranjo & Ibarrola
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