María de los Ángeles is director of our Competition and Economic Regulation area. She is a lawyer from the Universidad de Chile, where she graduated with highest distinction, and obtained the Pedro Nicolás Montenegro award for the best graduation average of the 2009 graduating class.

As part of her academic background, she holds a Diploma in Regulation and Public Law at the Universidad de Chile and an LL.M in Antitrust at King's College London.

Before returning to FerradaNehme, where she worked as an associate between 2016 and 2019, María de los Ángeles worked at the National Economic Prosecutor's Office, as a lawyer in the Antitrust Division

In terms of her academic development, she was a professor of Competition and Private Law, together with Professor Camilo Vergara, at the Alberto Hurtado University. Additionally, on three occasions she was an assistant professor of Civil Law, with professors Andrés Rioseco López, Francisco González Hoch and Andrés Jana Linetzky.

In 2021 she co-authored the article "La evolución de la noción de contrato a partir de las justificaciones en torno a su obligatoriedad" (The evolution of the notion of contract from the justifications for its enforceability) for the journal Justicia&Derecho of the Universidad Autónoma de Chile and in 2023 she received the AdC Competition Policy Award 2023, granted by the Autoridade de Concorrência de Portugal for the article "Challenges to the Enforcement of Predatory Pricing Practices in Online Marketplaces".

Practice Areas
Universidad de Chile, Diploma in Regulation and Public Law King's College London, LL.M in Antitrust Universidad de Chile, Lawyer
Antitrust División of the National Economic Prosecutor's Office
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